Yâhuwshúa` is NOT Jesus

Sure, Jesus is the Lord

But Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh

What does this mean?

Christianity has been misled by the deceiver and his agents to proclaim a wrong name for the One Who they worship, now for over 1900 years.  When told of it, instead of seeking His Truth, they become the only religion on earth that stubbornly refuses to acknowledge the name of Whom they worship, fully convinced by the names they hear from their seminarian pastors and read in their establishment-authorized ‘Bibles’, OR they allege ‘any name will do’ to call on Him, Whose name is above any name.  But few are chosen, so these and some more may wonder what the name which the impostor will assume is, who is foretold to come, though the answer is right under their very noses.

What is the name of the counterfeit anointed of sâţâ´n?

the LorD XëzVs ChrIstos

D + C= 600

L + X =  60

V + I = __6


Transliterated to Classical Hebrew, in Aramaic letters this would be:

349 + 75 + 238 + 4 = 666

And it also adds up to 666 in Hebrew numerals!

666 is a number which is infamous nowadays, Christians on the lookout are seeing satanists use it everywhere in plain sight, to confuse them about what it means.  Scripture, when decoded[2], says that it is the number of the vanity, being the counterfeit ones not actually of the wild beast, and they are six hundred sixty-six (666), not just “six-six-six”.  Note that scripture does not say it is “the number of his name” (KJV Revelation 13: 17) because the vanity (which means a temporary great futile effort) has never been called a name by the Most High.  He did not acknowledge it to give it permanence, ever: it was conceived without His participation.  So the adversary, who continually seeks a name from Him, even “sâţâ´n” (the adversary), altered scripture to sound as if the number of the vanity were his name, and made it appear thus in the establishment’s translation of scripture, altered by satanic coding.  So here is that decoded[2] verse simplified: Revelation (Disclosure 13: 18) –

… Who/who exists of Me [~Yâhuwshúa` + 144K] is without regard for he [~sâţâ´n], who is the one retaining, of the one [~number] not being the Mind: [~finite perfect number]

(5) Let It [~the Mind] count/reckon Mine, not of the one being the number being the [~yet nonexistent] ones not being of the wild beast, for the reason that the number of the [~counterfeit] “Yâ-hwéh” of the dirt-man (’âthâ´m) is of the 40 [~the number of the vanity] (Hével/ha-Bël) [~Hével/ha-Bël/ false “Yâ-hwéh” (Secret Book of Yâhuwchânâ´n)].

Who does exist of Me [~Yâhuwshúa` + 144K] is one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), so he, who is without regard for the number being of the same one [~the vanity], is of the Son of Me Who exists:  Χξς (“XëZúS”) (six hundred sixty-six (666))

Apparently six hundred sixty-six are the number of counterfeit elite “chosen ones” which will be the number of the vanity (Hével/ “Abel”), the counterfeit “Yahweh”.  But the Greek letter-number for 666, if reckoned as letters, actually spells this pronunciation we have documented, XëZúS.  To be clearer, it is the same mistake as if one should take DCLXVI (666) for Roman numerals and tried to read that, though LDXVCI as we see above are involved in “the LorD XezVs ChrIstos”.  So sâţâ´n actually evolved Yâhuwshúa`’s name over centuries to become this in the public eye by the time of the KJV, since if sâţâ´n’s impostor came today by a different other name they weren’t accustomed to, Christians would not be willing to switch, because it’s new.  Did you expect sâţâ´n to try to spring a brand-new one on you and not to have prepared it early before your generation?  He completed that evolution a little over 400 years ago.

Χξς (“XëZúS”)

Some ask, “but that way you wrote Χξς (“XëZúS”) doesn’t sound EXACTLY like how we pronounce “Jesus” in English, or inside the way you wrote ‘The Lord Jesus Christ’.”  This scripture word and these Aramaic and Latin letter-numberings are hybridized ways of how it sounds across Spanish and English \hay-ZOOS\, in fact, it is exactly how English speakers would pronounce the name of a Hispanic immigrant named Jesus.  And if this name was told to Yâhuwchânâ´n (“john”) who wrote the Book of Revelation (Disclosure), this is exactly how he would have transliterated what he heard in each of these three languages.

Where your establishment Bible warns against “another Jesus” (2 Corinthians 11: 4), wouldn’t the original manuscripts have had His original name, not “Jesus”?  Every instance of the original name of Yâhuwshúa` in it, the little book complained about in Revelation 10, the establishment’s “Bible”, has been altered, they did not miss that one.

Plus, since Jesus is not the true name of Who we worship, there is nothing to stop the impostor from coming by this “name”.  MattithYâ´huw (“matthew”) 24: 4-5 does not say “many shall come by My name” (KJV).  What He actually says, simplified (see link for literal translation), is:

Look carefully, lest anyone of ’avadówn [~ “Abaddon”] might deviate ye, because the Many of Yâ-hwéh they shall come against, are of yisrâ’ë´l outside that are not of the ones pertaining to My name.

Wait!  This just documented He knows Most of His own, Christianity, aren’t pertaining to His name!  And who is ’avadówn?  “Abaddon” is its transliteration found in Revelation 9:11 in the KJV, but literally it means “father of the sovereign” in Hebrew, referring to sâtâ´n being father to his impostor-sovereign, showing how substitutes can be done easily if the actual NAMES are not used.  All other mentions of it in canonical scripture were hidden by coding.

How does He say we (the Many and the chosen) might be deviated?

…Therefore, do not allow yourselves to be transferred backwards to the “Yâ-hwéhof ’avadówn, being of the same One [~true Yâ-hwéh] of the Son, (Luwqá’ 21: 8)

So it appears the Son, Yâhuwshúa`’s written-name Yâ-hwéh (decoded[2] Disclosure 14: 1) has an impostor also assuming it, from ’avadówn (“Abaddon”) just to deceive and confuse (Disclosure 17: 5, 19: 12, Secret book of Yâhuwchânâ´n[1]).  Does this impostor also assume His name Yâhuwshúa`, like the KJV version of “Matthew” falsely says many would do?  Short-answer: No.

Dâ´niyyë´’l 7: 24-25, simplified, says: “Ranking behind the same ones of the Son shall stand up in the middle a little horn, which to stand firmly will bring over for the benefit of the wicked ones all the words not pertaining to The One in front of yisrâ’ë´l, and it will pronounce those words of The Way of yisrâ’ë´l which have no regard for the Most High One, to beof yisrâ’ë´l, and while not pertaining to the Word being the pure ones of the Most High, it will declare It ‘antiquated/obsolete’ of yisrâ’ë´l.

So the impostor, unable and unwilling to use the hidden-name of Yâhuwshúa` (Glad Tidings of Phílippos 20), because he is NOT pertaining to the Word of the Most High, will declare the true Word to be ‘obsolete/antiquated’, in order to bear a name of his own, as Yâhuwshúa` said:

I am Who has come within the ones among the [~counterfeit] yisrâ’ë´lof the ones not pertaining to the name, not being the ones of the Father of Me of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), so Who is not an adversary (sâţâ´n), ye take Me as being.  If ever a different one to cause to sleep [~kill] might come among the ones, by means of the [~counterfeit] yisrâ’ë´l” not of the ones, with the name not of the ones, pertaining to his own, ye will accept that one!

(Yâhuwchânâ´n (“john”) 5: 43)

So, if the murderous impostor comes pertaining to a name his own, what is it?


the LorD is a direct translation of Ha-Bá`al, the idol which ’ËliyYâ´huw (“elijah”) showed to be a Lie in 1 Kings 18:16-40.  If that term were merely ancient history, why else would it be foretold as an end-time event that He shall remove the names of the Baals from our lips?

When of Me shall he [~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n, “Judeo-Christianity”] be the Profession of Yâ-hwéh (Yâhuwthâ´h) among the ones, in the “yisrâ’ë´l” pertaining to that one [~Testimony of Yehuwthâ´h]; Not of the one [~Profession] belonging to the Day (f.) [~Christianity], is which dictates of Me,Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`”; who is of Me shall call on Me without regard for he who isthe husband of My yisrâ’ë´l, and which is the adversary (sâţâ´n).

Not will she [~Christianity] of Me call on Me the strong Testimony, stillthe Lords (b`âlíym)” are of yisrâ’ë´l, so of Me shall I vacate: not belonging to the one [~the strong Testimony] are the names of the adversary (sâţâ´n), of the ones not of the lords (b`âlíym), originating from he who I shall cause to exist of yisrâ’ë´l, being the mouth [~speech] of the same one [~middle non-satanist sister] of the Son, also of yisrâ’ë´l which is not the adversary (sâţâ´n) [~not counterfeit “Israel”], lest by ’avadówn might they be reminded still, not being the Testimony of the Elder, not belonging to the one [~Testimony] being the [~dual] names of the same ones of the Son of yisrâ’ë´l …

Howshë´a` (“hosea”) 2: 16-17

Note: In establishment versions, they also replace “athonâ´y” (Adonai) with “the Lord”, which is a mistranslation.  athonâ´y is a term in Hebrew meaning “my sovereigns”. It is plural, so it refers to demons, and is thus an alteration. But in the singular, Athoníy, it is sometimes found in Hebrew scriptures meaning my Sovereign Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. Many near-miss namer groups get quite confused by this somehow believing this an accurate translation and avoid ’Athoníy also as though it could mean Bá`al. Then we see traditionalists using their obvious confusion for an excuse to continue calling on “the LORD”. The truth about the satanist replacement of the dual-names in Hebrew scriptures with a plural “my sovereigns” may have been part of their Hebrew satanic scribal coding.  But currently the analytic LXX is the only one reliable to decode, because of post-advent satanist alterations done to the Masoretic.


XëzVs \hay-ZOOS\ means Gaze-at-Zeus! in Hebrew, though certainly it did not originate from the name of Zeus which is Greek.  It is derived from Strong’s #02372, חזה to gaze at, in its imperative male plural form, חֵזוּ combined with “Zeus” transliterated to Hebrew, זֻס.  This is the transliteration of Χξς (“XëZúS”) into Hebrew using its current alphabet, called Aramaic Square Script.  The sinister aspect of meaning of this, is that what we spiritually gaze at, we become like. [Phílippos 48] And who is Zeus?  Oh, just the chief head of all the demons.  The altar at Pérgamos known as “the Throne of Zeus” was also called “the Throne of sâţâ´n” in Disclosure 2: 12-13 (“Revelation”), so the real meaning of XëzVs is Gaze at sâţâ´n!


ChrIstos is a Greek word meaning anointed.  The Anointed we worship is not Greek, nor are we Greek to call Him something in Greek.  Could this have happened to respect the satanist-Jews who called Him “a Greek” and not of their “Israel”?

How on earth could something like this have been allowed to happen?  Why?

Have you ever lined people up and whispered in the ear of the first, and had them transmit the message along, and seen what comes out the other end?  Well, that is what essentially has happened to His name through the centuries.  Have you heard how a frog can be boiled alive without resistance?  Put him in the kettle when the water is cold and gradually heat it, and he won’t jump out.  The same thing has happened to Christianity.  Even more, in the totalitarian pre-reformation “church”, this kettle was a pressure-cooker.  If anyone would have tried to sell the apostles the names Christianity uses today, they would have jumped out, like the proverbial frog.  They would have known everything those names really meant too.  Can people be that gullible?  Yes.  Most have seen propaganda routinely deceiving large numbers of people throughout history, even in recent times.  The satanists underneath are proudly flaunting their mind-control over the non-satanist middle yisrâ’ë´l.

However, the higher knowledge attached to knowing His dual-names correctly is only possible for 144,000 witnesses of His, who have been scattered throughout this world throughout all time, who formed the first generation of the “early church”, and also will manifest in these end-times.  These ones are called “the children”, the priests of the order of Malkëy-Tsétheq (royals of the Correctness), the fourth spiritual animal to be disclosed: the eaglelike winged-creatures, yisrâ’ë´l above of the Firmament: the Testimony of the dual-names (“heavens” – KJV).

Shouldn’t your local scholars and our religious leaders have gone to the original in their translations and searches for the Truth?  Yes, but they preferred settling for tradition.  Why?  To not “make waves”, disturbing the slumber the false traditions cause.  Why should these offend any Christian denomination sponsoring them and threaten their income?  Thus, their mercenary motivations were material rewards: either $$$ and/or fame and honor from dirt-men.  That’s called a conflict of interest: not preferring the Truth for eternal rewards they could not see, exactly why the satanist Jews crucified Yâhuwshúa` and chose to follow the adversary.  But did the Most High plan for this?  He used it for our advantage, of course, and it is explained in detail in decoded[2] canonical scriptures (e.g. “John” Yâhuwchânâ´n’s Glad Tidings chapter 14), but since your Bible is translated from coded scripture, that is omitted.

Therefore sadly, the non-satanist middle needed to be led towards Him using false names, but the satanists went below and beyond the call of duty, altering a few of their scriptures into an Authorized Version for them and turned them 99% satanist.  Overripe wheatfields dried on the stalk!  But could you be one of the chosen?

But in the big view, realize that in Acts 4: 15-18, the Sanhedrin, the joint session of Judaism, the religion our Savior exposed that worships sâţâ´n, conferred and determined to forbid the people from speaking this name, Yâhuwshúa` any longer to any man at all.  Do you think this only applied to Judaism?  Ever since then, every satanist institution has enforced this decision, particularly their “church fathers”, like the lion’s Erroneous Irenaeus of Lyon.  And the little horn in Dâ´niyyë´’l 7: 24-25, who some see as being the Roman Catholic Church, made this bold move to debase Christianity in their full view, and to take control of it, quoted above simplified.

But spiritually, why?  What advantage do the satanist authorities obtain, who deprive us from having the true names of the Most High?  How did that make them obtain power over us?

13. The authorities wanted to deceive the sons of the dirt-man (’âthâ´m), since they saw that these had kinship with those who are truly good: they removed the name [~Yâhuwshúa`] from those that are good and delivered it to become ones that are not good [~“Jesus”, “Yeshua”, etc.], so that through the names they might deceive them [~those that are good] and bind them to those that are not good. And afterwards, if He has favor on them, He shall cause them to separate from those that are not good so to integrate them among those that are good, these who have acknowledged Him themselves, for they [~the authorities] wanted to take the free man and make him a slave to them forever.

Glad Tidings of Phílippos 13

And satanists have always been ambitious to mislead the flocks, as the “church fathers” steered Christianity monolithically as a political institution, being the foolish shepherds, until the Protestant Reformation let the sheep out for a half a day (500 years) to pasture [5497-5997 (1524-2024 AD)], according to Chanówkh (Enoch) 88 (89): 110 (72), to scatter the sheep, before they do a constriction worse than all the preceding ones.  But physical death is not the end, it is being used as a tool for separation.  So the deception is an operation: the Confusion, aka “Babylon”, which although being of the adversary, serves a purpose:

“… So, through the [~counterfeit]yisrâ’ë´l” being this one [~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n], He [~the Lamb] shall send/bid, to be carried/inserted in to open into the middle [~of non-satanist yisrâ’ë´l], by use of the same ones [~satanist widow] pertaining to the son without regard: he who is the mighty one of ’aharón (light-carrier/lucifer) (Disclosure 5: 4-7).  The operation of the deviation among My yisrâ’ë´l belonging to the [~counterfeit] ones (Disclosure 17: 5) is not to believe of you being the same ones being the Son, of the ones not pertaining to the lie, [~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n]

in order that might be segregated apart all the [~counterfeit] ones that are not the ones; not about ’avadówn are the ones persuading the one [~middle non-satanist sister] not pertaining to the Truth [~Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`], rather, the ones well-reputed among the ones within yisrâ’ë´l, are not being the one [~widow] pertaining to the injustice/incorrectness!”

2 Thessaloníkeans 2: 11-12

This is why Yâhuwshúa`, the Lamb, had to ingest death, the death of the cross, and overcome it (Disclosure 5: 5): to Ransom the middle from the physical death the satanists are giving them, which will separate them from the satanists, who wished to survive them biologically, and will do so, in their dirt-bodies still fit for biological reproduction.  Soon, the Most High, by having left the non-satanist middle outside of Him suffering so long in the custody of the satanists here, He will make a convincing clearly visible difference when He Himself manifests Himself among His ones, the 144,000, to persuade the non-satanist middle against the wily impostor of the adversary, and when separated, about the Truth, even though the impostor will try to pass himself off as being one of these ones, or at least the neighboring Christians:

Due to yisrâ’ë´l being this thing,” these things of Me dictates Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`:

Look: I, I grant the unclean one of Me [~satanist widow underneath] over yisrâ’ë´l that is not of the one being the people, being this one [~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n] being the weakness of yisrâ’ë´l – so they [~satanist widow underneath] shall weaken, among the ones within yisrâ’ë´l belonging to the same one [~non-satanist middle sister] pertaining to the Son, the fathers of yisrâ’ë´l and the sons with regard simultaneously – to dictate,

The fellow-countryman of yisrâ’ë´l is he [~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n] who is without regard, nearby of the same one of the Son!

They [~satanist widow underneath] shall be rendered useless!

YirmYâ´huw (“jeremiah”) 6: 21

What is the name of the True Anointed?

יָהְוֶ̀ה יָהוּשֻׁ֨עַ

Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

The written-name “Yâ-hwéh”, known by yisrâ’ë´l outside, seen on your bottom left, is documented well to be the best transliteration for English of the above correctly vowel-pointed Hebrew name (יָהְוֶה)

The transliterated hidden-name “Yâhuwshúa`” is the transcription, letter by letter, seen on your bottom right, of the above correctly pointed Hebrew name (יָהוּשֻׁעַ).

[Want proof? See the research evidence at: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`: why these are the correct names].

Some ask why do you write “uw” and not “w” or “u”?  We do this to distinguish this “u” ( shuwreq) from this “u” (ֻ  qibbuts) in our accurate transcribing transliteration.  Other transliterations varying spelling, that still reproduce their sounds accurately are acceptable, such as Yâhuéh, Iâhuéh, and Yâhushua, Iâhushua, etc., unless the sound gets altered, because a name is a sound.  For other languages, other letters should be used, according to their different phonetical rules, to make their readers accurately pronounce it, correctly, e.g. “Iâjuéh Iâjuwshúa`” in Spanish.

One canonical scriptural source of this name, Yâhuwshúa`, is ZkharYâ´hu (“zechariah”) 6:11-12 in the Hebrew Old Testament (Tenákh), which is the prediction about what the name of the Branch was going to be.  There it says “Yâhuwshúa` Ben-Yâhuwtsâthâ´q” (Son of Yâ-hwéh’s Righteousness).  There is no need to do a “Bible code” megacomputer search to find it out.  You see it right there:

ZkharYâ´hu (“zechariah”) 6: 11

Understand that this name, Yâhuwshúa`, was the same name Moshéh (“moses”) renamed Howshë´a` (“hosea”) the son with regard of Nâuwéh (One causing to be indwelled) [LXX – ναυη] when he sent him out to spy the land.  And why did he give him this name?

  1. …With this purpose that all the people might give ear only to him alone, because the Father would manifest all things concerning His Son Yâhuwshúa` in Yâhuwshúa` the son with regard of Nâuwéh!
  2. So therefore, this was the name Moshéh gave him when he sent him to spy out the land of Kná`an…”

Letter of Bar-Nâvíy 12: 8-9

Note how in the establishment renditions of the name of this son with regard of Nâuwéh in the “New Testament” went through the same distortion process as did that of the name of the Anointed One, and also wound up calling him “Jesus” (KJV “Acts” 7:45, “Hebrews” 4:8, and “Epistle of Barnabas” 12:8-11).  It is ironic that many who distort and corrupt the name of our Savior, do recognize “Yâhuwshúa`” as being the proper name of “joshua” the son with regard of Nâuwéh, yet cannot come to apply it to our Savior!

Yet there are many different renditions and versions that are being preached by various “sacred name groups”.  Why?  These near-misses are a satanic safety net of sorts to ensnare those lost sheep who seek the Truth short of their intended goal.  Any doubt?  Just look at their fruits:  Exclusivism, racial bigotry, hatred, hostility, division among themselves, legalism, and a myriad of incorrect doctrines, so false even most Christians recognize them to be false!  Ye shall know them by their fruits.

[The other near-miss names are disproven at: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`: why these are the correct names].

Beware that some argue that –shúa` cannot be part of our Savior’s name since Shúwa` was the name of a “Canaanitess”, without realizing that the Canaanites spoke Hebrew! But now let us prove scripturally that it is -shúa` and not -shâ` that is in our Savior’s name.  Here is a verse specifying which term it is that is found in the name of our Savior:

because of Me, It [~The Mouth of Yâ-hwéh, of Me] dictates of Yâ-hwéh she which is not a writing of heathen masses:

Everyone that is he who is without regard for the one believing Yours, is against yisrâ’ë´l outside pertaining to the same One, pertaining to the Son Who is not sâţâ´n, he shall be ashamed.

Because which is the adversary (sâţâ´n), not the Yâ-hwéh of Me Who exists, is a different sound of the Profession of Yâ-hwéh (Yâhuwthâ´h), but of the Yâ-hwéh of yisrâ’ë´l or of the Hellenist, because he is without regard for Who is Yâ-hwéh: the same One is the Son, Yâhuwshúa`: Yâ-hwéh is of all the ones, because the One being Shúa` (Wealth, Freedom) is for My yisrâ’ë´l, being all the ones that are not in association with The One, being the ones calling upon the same One being the Son, of Yâ-hwéh, since:

everyone that is whoever of Me upon Yâ-hwéh might call, pertaining to the ones [~dual-names] – not being the youth [~yaldabosheth (spawn of shame)] – being the name of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, of Me, he shall be delivered…

Romans 10:11-13

In the KJV it says there, above where we did put “Shúa`”, “is rich”, a meaning which is not found in yâshâ` (to save).  See also this verse:

94. (87) …The sons of the bridal chamber have just one name among them, the Repose [~Yâ-hwéh-Yâhuwshúa`], for they shall share both of It mutually, making them [~middle coming to exist] to not need anything. 95. (88) They do not need to accept any other form [~of the name] because they have contemplation, comprehending it by mental association. They are wealthy [shúa`] because they did not lay up their treasure in the things below, which are despised, but in the honors that are above, though they had not yet known them.

Glad Tidings of Phílippos 94-95

“Yâ-hwéh” means “He causes to be existed”.  Which one is the true One?

The Son of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), or the son of ’avadówn (father of the sovereign)?

“Who is Who causes to exist?  He Who is without regard for the Liar [~sâțâ´n], if not, of ’avadówn would be He Who is without regard for the one denying that this One is Yâhuwshúa`.  Who is [~outside] not of you who exists of Me, is he [~sâțâ´n] who is without regard for the Anointed One.  This one is a sheep.

Who exists of Me is he who is without regard for the counterfeit anointed (mâshíyach ha-shéqer), he who is without regard for the one [~sâțâ´n] denying, of the one [~’avadówn] not being the Father of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), and of the one [~Yehuwthâ´h] not being the Son with regard for yisrâ’ë´l

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n (1 “john”) 2:22

And this is how to distinguish the spirits of the true Yâ-hwéh from the counterfeit: by Who the existing one professes, not someone with a transient spirit not regarding Yâhuwshúa`, from the biological “Israel” analogue not yet within Him.

  1. O beloved ones, do not of ’avadówn place your confidence to everyone that is with a spirit, rather scrutinize ye pertaining to the one [~sister] not being the spirits, whether originating from he who I shall cause to exist (’a-hyéh) of yisrâ’ë´l, being the ones not of the mighty one of aharón (lucifer), she exists of Me, because this one [~Yehuwthâ´h] is the many counterfeit predicators which have gone forth among My yisrâ’ë´l of the one not being the cosmos [~fallen middle],
  2. among the ones within yisrâ’ë´l. With this One [~Spirit], ye are informed by means of the ones, not a spirit, being the ones not of the mighty one of aharón (lucifer), because everything being a spirit is it [~Yehuwthâ´h] which is without regard for who professes Yâhuwshúa` being the anointed One among the ones within “yisrâ’ë´l” [~outside], with reference to the flesh [~counterfeit biological “Israel” analogue] being the one [~false “Israel”] having come [~from the widow underneath], originating from he who I shall cause to exist (’a-hyéh) of yisrâ’ë´l, being the ones not of the mighty one of ’aharón (lucifer), who comes to exist of me
  3. of yisrâ’ë´l. So anything that is a spirit – it which is without regard, which of ’avadówn does not profess of Me Yâhuwshúa` being the anointed One – is among the ones within “yisrâ’ë´l” [~outside], with reference to the flesh [~counterfeit biological “Israel” analogue] being the one [~false “Israel”], having come [~from the widow underneath], originating from he who I shall cause to exist (’a-hyéh) of yisrâ’ë´l, being the ones not of the mighty one of ’aharón (lucifer), which is not of you.  Who exists of Me is of yisrâ’ë´l, and is this One Who exists of Me.  Not in association with the ones, not being the ones of the counterfeit anointed one (mâshíyach ha-shéqer), is it which is without regard for ye having heeded this One, that is Who makes His appearance of Me, of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), and currently, among the oneswithin one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) of the ones not belonging to the cosmos, He is present already,

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n (1 “john”) 4:1-3

What implications does this have for the spiritual manifestations of Pentecostals who haven’t even heard the true name?  They have been “baptized” into the wrong spirit!

If you had not heard, this fulfills a frightening prediction for the Christians:

7 (10) Now, I know this secret: the errant ones shall alter and adulterate into many forms the Word of Truth (Yâhuwshúa`)

8 and they shall proffer wicked words; they shall lie and create a great Creature and they shall write scrolls upon their own words!

Chanówkh (“enoch”) 104:7-8

So how did they get from Yâhuwshúa`

to this false name “Jesus”?

No, it did not originate from “Zeus”.

It was derived from the Greek number of the vanity:

Χξς as sâţâ´n and the satanists EVOLVED the true name of Yâhuwshúa` to the name they invented from the number: “XëZúS”

“…And just as who of you did not examine for themselves of The One not being the mighty one of ’aharón (lucifer) to adhere unto the ones within yisrâ’ë´l pertaining to the precise and correct knowledge, He delivered up of Me the same ones being the Son without regard for he who is the mighty one of ’aharón (lucifer) among My yisrâ’ë´l [~of the middle] being the disapproved mind, 5 to work this one [~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n]not belonging to the one [~widow sister] of ’avadówn, not being the ones coming down [~Witnesses] …”  Romans 1: 28



Jewish scribes enforcing name censorship have a rule to exchange the vowels to

corrupt the name component at the beginning of any name to not say Yâ´huw:



[Note: this is how it appears in #03091 in the

Hebrew Lexicon in your Strong’s Concordance]

Since that has no meaning, Jews routinely change it for the nickname “salvation”:



Moreover, there exists a Jewish Conspiracy where the true name was substituted by:



Which is an acronym for “Yemach SHemow W-zikhrow”, meaning,

May His name and memory be erased”,

and it was used in the “Toldoth yeshu”, a very old rabbinical Judaist document

that scorned the Anointed.  Many still fall for this, calling Him “yeshua”.

When it was transliterated into Greek, apparently the transliterated vowels were removed from the Yâhuw- part, thus: Y_h_shúa` to enforce name censorship, before it was written into Koiné Greek scriptures, when the letter Eta η still had a H sound, before it evolved to an “e” sound, and when the σ sound had also had an “sh” sound, to form

ihsoú (Ιησου)̃ – capitals: ΙΗΣΟΥ

But Greek evolved the Eta sound to “e” and the Sigma sound to “s”

And it routinely alters proper names according to its cases, conjugating them into THREE different forms for the “only name”:

iesoú (Ιησου

iesoún (Ιησουν

iesoús (Ιησου̃ς)

The Romans transliterated that, giving it the Latin “-vs” (-us) masculine suffix:

iesús (IESVS)

In the 14th century, initial “I” letters were extended below the line in order to distinguish it from the small L “l”

iesús (jesús)

In the 16th century, the “J” version of the “I” adopted a new sound, like an “X”.

Which is why Yâhuwchânâ´n would have spelled it “XEZVS” in Roman letters:

Xesús (Jesús)

Why are all the above names but one in green?  Because all are LIES except the one in red.

There are MANY lies, and the impostor has accepted them ALL except the Truth.

But his main alias, when this Lie shall reveal himself, for the “gowyím”

shall be one international name, which is palatable to Christians all over:

The Lord Xëzv́s Christos

And to favor his ‘chosen people’ their preferred acronym

Yeshua (ישׁו)

Because the wild beast will have TWO horns (methods of calling):

“And I viewed of Me, one different to put to sleep [~physical death], being a wild beast, this same one walking into the middle originating from he who I shall cause to exist (’a-hyéh) of yisrâ’ë´l, being the one not of the Land in Truth of yisrâ’ë´l, and of Me, it kept holding itself to two horns [~horns = method of calling], resembling ones pertaining to the Lamb [~“Jesus” and “Yeshua”] of yisrâ’ë´l, yet it kept speaking of Me as the dragon (great serpent).”

Revelation (Disclosure) 13: 11, decoded[2]

Are you one chosen to believe on His dual-name testimony?  If so, time is short for you to come up to speed.

Change your mind, renounce the LIES, and accept Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` as being your Savior,

believe on His name, and that He was Who died and rose again, and testify that:

Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh” (Romans 10:9-10)

There is neither release from error (1 Yâhuwchânâ´n (“1 john”) 2: 12, Deeds (“Acts”) 10:43), nor salvation by any false name!

This one sheep, of Me Who causes to exist, is he who is without regard for the Stone, without regard for He Who is the One being made of no account of yisrâ’ë´l underneath [~satanists], of ye, of the ones not of the adversary (sâţâ´n), of the ones building without regard for He Who is the One becoming for My yisrâ’ë´l the Great Head of the external Corner of yisrâ’ë´l!

And of you who exists not, he exists of Me among the ones within yisrâ’ë´l pertaining to the different one to put to sleep, pertaining to the nobody: she which is not the deliverance (yshúw`ah)!  Because neither is the “Yâ-hwéh” being the youth [~yaldabosheth (spawn of shame)] the name which exists of Me, to establish another of yisrâ’ë´l underneath [~satanists], of the one not being the dual-names [~Yâ-hwéh-Yâhuwshúa`]!  Not with reference to the ones [~dual-names (n.)] is the one [~single name] having been given to the unclean one, among the ones in yisrâ’ë´l, belonging to the sons of the dirt-man (’âthâ´m) 40 [~the number of the vanity].  Among the ones within yisrâ’ë´l, pertaining to which [~name] is of Me, it is a necessity for us to be delivered!”

Deeds (“Acts”) 4: 11-12


5 (6) Woe to you, witnesses of the Lie, and to you who add weight to the value of the Wickedness, for you shall suddenly perish.

Chanówkh (“enoch 1”) 94: 5

24 (15) Woe to you who write down the word of the Lie, and irreverent words: because they record their Lies, in order that the people may heed them and that they do harm to their neighbor.  [ZkharYâ´hu 5]

25 Therefore for them there shall be no shâlówm (peace, completeness, reconciliation); rather they shall suddenly perish.

Chanówkh (“enoch 1”) 96: 24-25

So therefore, now you understand why we say,

Sure, Jesus is the Lord (Gaze-at-Zeus! is Ha-Bá`al)

but Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh.

[1] The quote from this noncanonical scripture as translated by Meyer is:

“The first ruler defiled Eve and produced in her two sons, a first and a second: Elohim and Yahweh.

Elohim has the face of a bear, Yahweh has the face of a cat.

One is just, the other is unjust.

He placed Yahweh over fire and wind, he placed Elohim over water and earth.

He called them by the names Cain and Abel, with a view to deceive.”


If you don’t already have a compression tool for decompressing/extracting files, we recommend WinRAR: HERE
to freely downloaded our FPS [Firstfruits’ Purer Scriptures] which contains this document as well: HERE

This document is sourced from our dual-names website:

Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh:
accept no substitutes!™
Home Page of the FIRSTFRUITS!

The Way, The Truth, The Life
without which
no one comes to the Father!
Minds Public Group

The Way, The Truth, The Life
without which
no one comes to the Father!
Gab Public Group


[2] (not yet decoded/decoded): “LXX decoded” which is the Morphologically analyzed Septuagint Greek translation. Reveals what has been hidden/omitted by sâţâ´n’s scribes and coded for their own private elite stash hidden from you. Note: until our new dual-name website is updated and pages from our prior website are updated to agree with updated decoded scriptures where necessary and migrated over, the following link is from the internet archive WAYBACKMACHINE to our prior website: “What are bible codes?”.


whenever Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` speaks, either in pre-advent or post-advent scriptures, it is in red-lettering”, “Anyone else speaking is in black.”

Gray font is usually used to denote what we consider to be uninspired scribal additions, if found without brackets.

Blue font denotes the restored portions of pre-advent scripture quotes which we decoded, or coded content which was omitted from post-advent scriptures quoting them.  Blue italics font denotes the restored portions of the hidden coded content into post-advent scriptures.

The first letter of terms which refer to Him such as pronouns or symbols will be CAPITALIZED, even if within a name, like Yshá`Yâhuw.

Proper nouns are transliterated in normal font, (we may add the translation of the proper noun in italics) A common word in English is translated in normal font (we may add the foreign term which it translated transliterated or sometimes in a foreign alphabet)

Something found in post-advent scriptures is in normal font if it is translated from Greek manuscripts or from the Masoretic if in pre-advent scriptures

Something found in post-advent scriptures in italics is not found in Greek manuscripts rather is exclusively in Aramaic or other specified manuscripts

Something found exclusively in the LXX but not in the Masoretic will be written in italics in pre-advent scriptures

Subheadings which help characterize subsequent scripture passages are in italics and centered and in gray font

Yâ-hwéh – when found in italics, is a restoration of His name from sources outside the Masoretic, sometimes LXX, sometimes other sources when specified, and sometimes we may specify it was by the spirit of Truth (Logic).

Yâhuwshúa`  – when found in italics, is a restoration of His name when it was omitted from the Greek post-advent scriptures by scribes, from sources outside the Greek saying it was there.


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